For Parents/Guardians of a Child Who Will Begin Preschool Class in Autumn 2025

Your child is going to preschool class (grade 0) in August 2025. As a parent/guardian you are responsible for applying to a school where you wish your child to attend. As a parent/guardian you submit your application in the online service Mitt Skolval.

Here you can find more information about the application for preschool class as well as the e-service Mitt skolval:

Mitt skolval

The application period is between 6 and 19 January


You can make up to five choices of schools where you want your child to attend. It is important that you choose at least one school so that your child has the best chances of being offered a spot at a school you are interested in. Rank them in order of preference.

If your child has two parents/guardians, it is necessary for both parents to confirm the application with Bank-ID. If you do not submit an application, Motala kommun will place your child at a municipal school with spots left and within a reasonable distance from home.

Do not forget to update to your current e-mail address under ‘’Profil’’ in Mitt skolval.

Change your application

You can make changes to your application during the period of application (6-19 Jan). After that, you can neither change your application nor submit a new application.

Selection criteria

The main rule is that children shall be allowed to attend the school that their parents/guardians would like them to attend. However, if a school does not have the capacity for every child who has applied, Motala kommun will make a choice. The selection is based on the Motala kommun’s selection of criteria, which are as follows:

  1. Reasonable distance. Everyone has the right to a school within 3 km. If there is no school within 3km, you are entitled to a place at your skolskjutsskola (a school to who your child can receive school transport). On Motala kommun’s website, you can see which school is your skolskjutsskola.
  2. Sibling priority. Children who will be starting preschool class (grade 0) will be given priority at the school they wish if they have siblings in grade 0-3 during the same school year to which the application relates.
  3. Relative proximity. Relative proximity means that if two children apply for the same school, the child with the greatest relative distance to the alternative school will have the right to the place. Distance is measured using the route from the child’s home to the school, and to the next alternative school.

Invalid application or if no application is made

If your child has two parents/guardians, it is necessary for both parents to confirm the application with Bank-ID, otherwise the application will be invalid.

If you do not submit an application, Motala kommun will place your child at a municipal school with spots left and within a reasonable distance from home.

E-identification (Bank-ID)

You must have an e-identification such as Bank-ID in order to submit an application in the e-service Mitt skolval. If you cannot use the e-service you are welcome to contact Motala kommun’s Servicecenter and we will help you to submit an application.

Phone: 0141-22 50 00

Independent schools in Motala kommun

As a guardian, you must make an active choice of school in the municipality’s e-service, regardless of whether your child wishes to attend an independent or a municipal school. In our e-service, you can request both municipal and independent schools. Independent schools have their own rules for admitting students and your child needs to be in the queue for the independent school in order to be admitted.

School in another municipality

If your child has been offered a place at a school in another municipality, you are still obliged to submit an application in the e-service Mitt skolval. We want to know which school you have chosen and been admitted to.

School placement notification

During March school placement will be notified via the e-mail you have registered in Mitt skolval. If you are displeased with the placement you will receive information on how you can appeal the decision.

It is important that you know that an appeal is not the same as a desire to change to a particular school. If you want your child to change to another school, you also need to apply for it by requesting a change of school in the e-service Mitt skolval:

Mitt skolval

If you change your mind

If you change your mind after receiving a place in a school and would then like to switch to a different school, you will need to apply for a change in e-service Mitt Skolval. The application period for changing school is no later than week 20 for the autumn semester and no later than week 43 for the spring semester. The e-service is always open for applications.

Leisure-time centres (Fritidshem)

If you are a working or a studying parent, your child can attend a leisure-time centre before or after school. Parents/guardians who are jobseekers or on parental leave are not entitled to a place in leisure-time centre for their child. If your child is going to pre-school and you will need a leisure-time centre place when the child starts preschool class (grade 0) you need to state that in your application in Mitt Skolval. Leisure-time centre is located adjacent to the school that your child will attempt. If you do not need a leisure-time place, the spot will automatically be cancelled 2025-07-31. If you want to cancel the spot earlier, you need to give two-months notice.

School-transport (Skolskjuts)

If your child needs school transport between his/her home and school the parents/guardians need to apply via an e-service on the municipality website. Login is possible with e-identification.

In order to be eligible for school transport the distance between home and school needs to be at least 3km. The main rule is that your child attends his/her skolskjutsskola (a school to which your child can receive school transport).

The application can be made on Motala kommun’s website:



If you have any questions you are welcome to contact Motala Servicecenter:

Phone: 0141-22 50 00

Welcome to year 7 in August 2025!